


Current News in Drug Discovery

RSS Nature Reviews Drug Discovery
  • Opioid antidote gets a boost July 25, 2024
    Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, Published online: 25 July 2024; doi:10.1038/d41573-024-00125-0Opioid antidote gets a boost
    Sarah Crunkhorn
  • Proteogenomics identifies anticancer targets July 25, 2024
    Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, Published online: 25 July 2024; doi:10.1038/d41573-024-00127-yProteogenomics identifies anticancer targets
    Sarah Crunkhorn
  • Oral miniproteins treat IBD July 25, 2024
    Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, Published online: 25 July 2024; doi:10.1038/d41573-024-00126-zOral miniproteins treat IBD
    Sarah Crunkhorn
  • Epigenetic editor silences prion protein July 25, 2024
    Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, Published online: 25 July 2024; doi:10.1038/d41573-024-00128-xEpigenetic editor silences prion protein
    Sarah Crunkhorn
  • Molecular glue degrader for sickle cell disease July 23, 2024
    Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, Published online: 23 July 2024; doi:10.1038/d41573-024-00122-3Molecular glue degrader for sickle cell disease
    Katie Kingwell
  • AI reverse-engineers antibodies July 23, 2024
    Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, Published online: 23 July 2024; doi:10.1038/d41573-024-00124-1AI reverse-engineers antibodies
    Katie Kingwell
  • Antibody sniffs out tau July 23, 2024
    Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, Published online: 23 July 2024; doi:10.1038/d41573-024-00123-2Antibody sniffs out tau
    Katie Kingwell
  • Author Correction: Sequential immunotherapy: towards cures for autoimmunity July 22, 2024
    Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, Published online: 22 July 2024; doi:10.1038/s41573-024-01016-0Author Correction: Sequential immunotherapy: towards cures for autoimmunity
    Francisco Ramírez-Valle

Vitreon America™ Launches Botanicopeia™ Database and Federal Government Services at NIH Festival+

 BETHESDA, MD, September 17, 2016 − Vitreon America, Inc. participated this week in the National Institute of Health (NIH) Intramural Research Program’s 30th Annual NIH Research Festival which was held September 15-16, 2016 at the NIH Bethesda, Maryland campus.

The Festival included plenary sessions, symposia, exhibits, poster sessions and tours designed to encourage sharing and learning about the exciting research taking place on NIH campus.

Vitreon America was selected by the Technical Sales Association (TSA) which sponsors the Research Festival Exhibit, to launch its state-of-the-art Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical database subscription services, Botanicopeia.

Attending on behalf of Vitreon America
were Michael Megginson, VP of Business Development (left) and Jorgen Sandberg,
CEO (right).

Vitreon America was pleased to see the interest from the NIH Institutions to utilize the Botanicopeia database subscriptions with many NIH researchers expressing interest in considering the Vitreon America Botanical Research Analytic services as well to optimize the Botanicopeia database.

Based on the NIH researchers feedback, Vitreon America has established a Botanicopeia database subscription service agreement and subscription service with botanical research analytic services through Marshall Communications Corporation,

Vitreon America services are available through Marshall Communications Corporation (VOSB) on NIH’s Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center’s (NITAAC)- Government-wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) vehicle. [Prime Contract Holder #HHSN316201500063W]

Vitreon America was established with the goal of commercializing their Botanicopeia database and botanical research analytic services for development of botanicals and phytochemicals in the creation of new medicinal products by Vitreon America Clients.

To find out more about our Services please contact us for assistance at 1-888-214-2584 or at

About Vitreon America™

Vitreon AmericaTM was formed with the goal of disseminating their BotanicopeiaTM database to encourage the increased use of botanicals and phytochemicals in the creation of new medicines.

Contact Vitreon America, Inc.

Vitreon America Botanical Research Center @ Hopkins Johns Hopkins University

MCC 9601 Medical Center Drive, Suite 221
Rockville, Maryland 20850
